$50.00 $60.00
5 Pack sampler 52x5 Robusto Med+ to Full Wrapper Oscuro San Andreas  Binder Broadleaf   Filler Nicaraguan  This  sampler features robust 52x5 Robusto cigars, perfect for those who prefer a medium to full-bodied smoking experience. Each...


5 Pack sampler

52x5 Robusto Med+ to Full

Wrapper Oscuro San Andreas 

Binder Broadleaf  

Filler Nicaraguan 

This  sampler features robust 52x5 Robusto cigars, perfect for those who prefer a medium to full-bodied smoking experience. Each cigar is meticulously wrapped in a rich, Oscuro San Andreas wrapper, known for its deep, dark color and smooth texture, which contributes to the cigar’s robust and complex profile.

The binder is a high-quality Broadleaf, which complements the wrapper with its own unique characteristics, adding depth and structure to the cigar. This choice of binder ensures a steady burn and a consistent flavor profile throughout the smoking experience.

At the core, the filler is composed of carefully selected Nicaraguan tobacco. This filler is key to the cigar’s distinct profile, offering a spicy yet sweet taste that aficionados will find irresistibly delightful. The Nicaraguan tobacco is renowned for its rich flavors and aromatic qualities, making it a perfect choice for this blend.

Flavor-wise, these cigars are a symphony of contrasting yet harmonious notes. They start with a bold hit of black pepper, immediately awakening the senses. This spiciness is beautifully balanced with the luxurious taste of dark chocolate, creating a rich and indulgent experience. Undertones of earth provide a grounding, rustic quality to the cigar, while subtle hints of sugar add a touch of sweetness, rounding out the flavor profile and adding complexity.

The cigars, being “too good for a label,” embody a sense of pure, unadulterated tobacco excellence. Their appearance is as impressive as their taste, with a smooth, oily sheen to the wrapper and a firm, well-constructed body that promises an even burn and a satisfying ash.

This sampler pack is ideal for both seasoned cigar enthusiasts and newcomers looking to explore the depth of flavors that a quality Oscuro-wrapped cigar can offer. Each cigar is a testament to the art of cigar making, providing an experience that is both indulgently rich and elegantly balanced.

Love of Quality

Carolina Blue Cigars continuously strives to improve its blends with the finest tobacco that is aged and cured to the meticulous specifications of our Master Blender.

Hand Crafted

Our sticks are hand crafted in small quantities, each inspected for the highest grade of quality and appearance, for the ultimate cigar experience.

Carolina Blue Skies

While we continue seeking ways to improve our blends, we envision people around the world enjoying one of our cigars under a Carolina blue sky.